Friday, February 1, 2008

christmas, halloween

Zander is learning to ride his big wheel !! yay !! the kids love to be outside in the sun !! it's usually about 65-70 degrees here so it's nice! this was feb. 1 2008

Jaeger on his spiderman scooter, we live in a culdasac so they boys ride around and around !!

Aren't they so cute, they won the best themed costumes this year at halloween!!
And yes it does snow in arizona !!! HA HA ! yeah right this is made from a machine for the kids to play in and it didn't last very long!
The boys got to tell santa what they wanted this year, but as you can see zade wasn't to thrilled about it!!
Jaeger seemed to do okay from santa! he got all that he asked for ! he must have been a good bay this year !! HA don't we wish!!
Zander didn't do to shabby himself! we all had a great christmas!!

1 comment:

Heather Ballard said...

I'm laughing at the picture with Jaguar, Zander and Santa. Jaguar is all happy and Zander looks terrified. We have a picture very similar with Bailee and Santa. It was a very dramatic day. Hopefully it will be better next year. You need to update your blog every week. So I know what's going on in your life. I'm not good at texting anymore because I have a new phone and I haven't learned how to do it very fast yet.